Template Subscriptions

Subscriptions allow users to manage large numbers of templates

HelpMaster has the ability to support large numbers of templates for jobs, actions and emails, however in many instances each user of HelpMaster does not regularly use all of the available templates. This is where subscribing to certain templates can be of great value.This helps the staff member to work quickly and efficiently by working off a short-list of available templates. Each staff member using HelpMaster can have their own subscription list, thereby personalising HelpMaster to the way that they work.


  1. Open the template subscriptions screen from the HM menu > My preferences > Subscriptions tab
  2. Select from the drop-down list which type of template you wish to subscribe to
  3. The list on the left displays all of the available template for that template type
  4. Double-click, or select and click the Add -> button to subscribe to the template
  5. Click Apply to save

Personal subscriptions vs Skillgroup pushed subscriptions

The HelpMaster system administrator can push subscriptions to individual staff members, or to entire skillgroups. When templates have been pushed to a skillgroup they will appear in the list of personal template subscriptions under the heading Skillgroup pushed subscriptions (see image below). The staff member will not be able to remove this type of subscription - only the system administrator (or someone with security access to the Template Manager) will be able to do this.

See Also

Templates Overview

Template Manager

Template Manager subscriptions

Setting default template subscriptions

General user preferences


Simple Approvals

Workflow Approvals