Troubleshooting - Active Directory Authentication is not working

Troubleshooting - Active Directory Authentication is not working

Things to check

Trying to logon to either the Desktop or Web

  1. Have you configured an Active Directory synchronization profile, and has it successfully run? The AD login only works if the person who is trying to logon has had their HelpMaster client record created/synchronized with Active Directory. In order to do this, you need to configure and run the Active Directory module.
  2. Is the actual person who is trying to log on been synchronized with Active Directory? Open their client detail screen and check their Active Directory details on the Permissions tab. They should have data in each of the Active Directory fields. If these are blank, then it means that this client has not been synchronized and will not be able to use Active Directory authentication for either the desktop, or web editions of HelpMaster.
  3. Is the person who is trying to log on to HelpMaster the same person who is logged onto the computer they are using? In other words, are they using a computer that someone else has logged onto Windows with? The HelpMaster AD logon will attempt to logon to HelpMaster by using the currently logged on Windows account. Try logging off of Windows, and re-log on as the person who is trying to logon to HelpMaster.

Trying to logon to the Web

  1. What is the URL that you are browsing to? It must not be the regular logon page. See Accessing the Web Portal via a browser.