Upgrade to v24 notes

HelpMaster v24 introduces 1 breaking change

Before upgrading to HelpMaster v24

The one breaking change when upgrading to v24 of HelpMaster only applies if you are using Control Set Entity pickers that use custom stored procedures. If this is the case, you will need to follow the steps below to update the stored procuredures that you have created. This process should be performed manually by a database administrator.

Upgrading Control Set Entity picker custom stored procedures

  1. Search through ALL Control Sets to determine which Entity Pickers (if any) use custom stored procedures.

Find control sets with custom stored procedures

  1. Find the stored procedure using Microsoft SQL Server Manager, and script it to a new query window.
  2. Manually add the following 3 lines/parameters to the script. Copy the following 3 lines
	@PrimaryClientLink int, --- The primary Client of the entity
	@PrimarySiteLink int, --- The primary Site of the entity
	@PrimaryAssetLink int --- The primary Asset of the entity

Before the v24 upgrade. Note the stored procedure does not contain the parameters above.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stpControlSetCustom1] 
	@FilterText nvarchar(255), -- If the user starts typing into the control, their text is passed through here and is used as a filter
	@EntityType int, -- The entity type that this control is being used on.  Values are: 1=Client, 2=Site, 4=Asset, 5=Job
	@EntityLink int, -- The unique ID of the entity
	@LoggedInUser int, -- The unique ID of the user accessing this control

	...rest of stored proc...

Paste the 3 lines after the “@LoggedInUser int, – The unique ID of the user accessing this control” line so that the code now looks like this…

After the v24 upgrade.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stpControlSetCustom1] 
	@FilterText nvarchar(255), -- If the user starts typing into the control, their text is passed through here and is used as a filter
	@EntityType int, -- The entity type that this control is being used on.  Values are: 1=Client, 2=Site, 4=Asset, 5=Job
	@EntityLink int, -- The unique ID of the entity
	@LoggedInUser int, -- The unique ID of the user accessing this control
	@PrimaryClientLink int, --- The primary Client of the entity
	@PrimarySiteLink int, --- The primary Site of the entity
	@PrimaryAssetLink int --- The primary Asset of the entity

	...rest of stored proc...

Execute the “Alter Procedure” statement to save it to the database.

Ensure you do this for every custom stored procedure that is being used by Control Set entity pickers.