Finding a job

There are many ways to search for, and find a job

HelpMaster allows searching for jobs in a number of different ways - each one having advantages depending on the context.

Searching for existing helpdesk tickets

Go to Job#

The quickest way of displaying a specific job is by using the “Job#” textbox from the main toolbar in the desktop edition. Press CTRL+F3 on the keyboard to put the keyboard focus to the “Job #” textbox on the toolbar bar.

Type the number of the job you are looking for here and press Enter. If such a job exists, it will be displayed.

This is similar for the Web Portal.

The Search toolbar

For quick and easy searching, the main toolbar contain a Search toolbar as shown below. Simply type in your search criteria and press Enter

This toolbar allows you to search for helpdesk jobs using

The Job Finder

The Job Finder offers the most comprehensive and powerful searching functionality. Using the Job Finder, you can search via many of the fields that are included in the job.

See Job Finder for complete details

The Keyword Search screen

The keyword search screen is another way to locate job. Use this screen to search specifically on any keywords that have been added to a job. This screen also offer full text searching.

See Keyword Searching for complete details

Saved Searches

Once you have performed a job search using the job finder, you have the option to save the search so that it appears on your Explorer screen. This function offers extremely quick and easy searching for regular search criteria.

See Job Finder for complete details

TIP! The F3 key on the keyboard can be used to search jobs, client and site helpdesk history.

F3 = Search client job history

CTRL+F3 = Find job

ALT + F3 = Search site job history

The Explorer Screen

The Explorer screen displays jobs that are assigned to staff, skillgroups, and custom queues.

See Also

Keyboard shortcuts