The status bar

Vital information is always visible in the Status bar

Status bar items

The Status bar at the bottom of the screen can be set to display the following items…

  • Your Full name or of the user you are currently logged on as
  • Your Availability status or of the user you are currently logged on as
  • The name of the Database you are connected to
  • The number of open Jobs for the logged in user
  • An icon appears if the user has recently been assigned or unassigned any jobs. (See below)
  • The current Date
  • The current Time

Customising the Status Bar

Right click on the Status bar and select the items you want to display, or deselect to remove them. The Show Captions option will display a label for each item selected.


The Job Count icon

The Job Count option also displays a traffic light style indicator that will alert you if a change in the job count has taken place. The following icons are used to display this difference.

Your job count (jobs assigned to you) has increased since the last polling time

Your job count (jobs assigned to you) has decreased since the last polling time

Clicking on the icon will clear either colour.

See Also

Fonts and Sounds - playing a sound when a new job is assigned to you

Queue Check

Assigning jobs

Closing jobs