Knowledge base overview

Knowledge base overview

Every helpdesk needs a library of knowledge base articles, whether for use by staff or your clients. With HelpMaster, you can create your own knowledge base articles so that your staff can reference them to get solutions for common problems and help clients. Also, your knowledge base articles can be accessed by your clients through the HelpMaster Web Portal, allowing them to find the answers to their problems directly. They also have an inbuilt rating system so that everyone using that article can rate how helpful it was in solving the problem.

The articles contained in the knowledge base are created, updated and deleted by the users of HelpMaster. The Knowledge Base stores information about the helpdesk environment and the different issues that may arise and their solutions. It can offer valuable assistance in the resolution of a job by storing information that relates to a particular problem or other helpdesk issue.

Each Knowledge Base article has the following information recorded about it:

  1. An article ID for easy reference
  2. A title for the article
  3. Keywords to make searching fast and easy
  4. The issue it applies to using the same issues as helpdesk jobs for cross-referencing
  5. Linked Knowledge Base articles
  6. A general category
  7. The details of the article
  8. A rating system to monitor the article's performance

Also included are:

  1. The dates the article was created and last modified
  2. A short summary of the article

Knowledge base articles can be linked to one another to give the reader a greater base to work with. See Linking an existing Knowledge Base Article.

The Knowledge Base screens can be accessed from the Knowledge toolbar, or by holding down Ctrl while entering K.

See Also

Web enabling Knowledge Base Articles

Viewing a knowledge base article

Creating a knowledge base article

Deleting a Knowledge Base Article

Previous Issues and Resolutions