Email overview

Email overview

HelpMaster is capable of sending email via most email systems. These include Microsoft Exchange/Outlook, Microsoft 365, Google API (G Suite), as well as SMTP/IMAP Internet based email systems such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.

HelpMaster can be configured to use email in the following circumstances:

  • Confirmation to a client when a job has been logged for them
  • Notification to a staff member when a job has been logged to them
  • Notification to a staff member when a job has been re-assigned to them
  • Notification to a client when their job has been resolved and closed
  • General e-mail to any valid address
  • Automated emails via HelpMaster Email Manager, Priority Manager, and the Automation service
  • Web portal updates via Email Templates

Email accounts

HelpMaster sends email via the use of email accounts. These are configured as either Personal Accounts, or Global Accounts. Each staff member who sends email can choose which email account is used to send the email. This is great if you need to send email from different “From” addresses, or if you use HelpMaster to cover different business areas such as sales, support, billing, info etc.

Email accounts are configured as per the diagram below

HelpMaster Email Accounts

HelpMaster users can configure multiple accounts so that different email can be sent from the appropriate account/address.

select email account

Before sending any email, you can always select which email account to use.

See Also

Email Configuration

Sending an Email

Personal Email Accounts

Global Email Accounts

The Email Manager - Automatically converting email into jobs