Field chooser

Customize the columns that appear in grids and lists

The Field Chooser allows you to determine which details you want displayed in the lists displayed for each entity type.

Fields may be added or removed and arranged as you prefer.


  1. Open the Field Chooser by selecting HM menu > Field chooser item
  2. Select the Entity type from the dropdown list
  3. Select available fields that you would like to display from the left hand side
  4. Click on Add. This moves your choice into the Show fields section
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each field required
  6. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to arrange the order of the fields
  7. Click on OK or Apply

The list views on your HelpMaster screens will now display all the fields you have chosen in the order you have arranged them.

See Also

User Preferences

Reset Field Chooser settings