Windows authenticated logon

Windows Active Directory authenticated logon options

The HelpMaster Web Portal can be configured for Windows authenticated logins to provide a single-sign-in user experience. This is convenient for corporate users who are already authenticated on a domain network.

Windows Authentication Login option

  1. Check the Display an “Active Directory” login button on the login page checkbox
  2. Click the Apply button to save the changes

Note! Attempts to login externally i.e. not logged into the domain, will receive a Windows authentication dialogue box generated by the browser, where users must enter their Windows Domain credentials in order to gain access to the web portal

Adding browser trusted sites

In order to be able to browse to and Windows authenticate with the HelpMaster web portal, any host names/urls may need to be added as trusted sites to your browser configuration. See one of the following topics depending upon your configuration:

See also

ActiveDirectory User Synchronization

Microsoft authentication

Logging onto the web portal