HelpMaster Documentation

This is the new home for HelpMaster documentation, where you’ll find everything from tech specs to setup information to best-practice guides. We’ve completely re-written the old HTML helpfile to use this new website format.

Our goal is to continually improve the documentation and provide practical guidance and information for all aspects of using HelpMaster. Documentation changes frequently, so check back regularly for the latest information.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, or see something is isn’t quite right (broken links, out of date information), please use the feedback buttons and let us know. Contributions to documentation are welcome via GitHub.

What's new?

Learn what’s changed in the latest version of HelpMaster

Installation and Upgrades

HelpMaster installation and configuration across the desktop, web, database and services

Getting Started

New to HelpMaster? Start here

Using HelpMaster

Learn about the features and modules in HelpMaster

Knowledge Base

Building and using your own Knowledge Base

Web Portal

The web-based version of HelpMaster


Building workflow and process to support business practices and procedures

Change Management

Managing business change processes effectively


Automate tasks like email conversion, SLA management, AD sychronisation and other routine business processes


Making the most of your data with effective reporting

System Administration

System administration, configuration and customisation

Extending HelpMaster

HelpMaster add-ins and extensions


Miscellaneous information