Upgrade Overview

New versions of HelpMaster are released on a regular basis

Regularly updating your HelpMaster instance is the best way to utilise new features, performance improvement and security updates. Upgrading is relatively quick and simple, and when done right will cause minimal disruption.

Upgrade eligibility

Please note that you may not be entitled to upgrade to the latest version of HelpMaster. Depending on the level of support subscription you currently have, you may need to be receive, or purchase a new registration code from PRD Software.

What about my existing data?

Your existing HelpMaster data will be converted to the new format when you run the Database and Reports Wizard. No data is lost and the conversion process is automatic. You need to do nothing more than run the wizard. Moreover, your existing database will be fully backed up before any conversion takes place.

Can I run a newer version of HelpMaster concurrently with older versions?

This scenario makes sense if you have 2 separate instances of HelpMaster with each using a separate database. In this case, yes, it is possible to use 2 different versions of HelpMaster, but only if each version is still pointing to its original database, and the new version is pointing to its database.

  • Existing/Previous/Older Version HelpMaster »» Existing/Previous/Older Version Version HelpMaster Database
  • New Version HelpMaster »» New Version of HelpMaster Database

It is not possible to use an older version of HelpMaster with the new version of the database.

Simplified overview of the installation tasks

The installation of HelpMaster has been designed to be a relatively simple task, and all components are installed via a single installation package/file. Wizards for upgrading the Database, as well as the Web Portal make these tasks quick and simple.

It is recommended that the person or persons installing HelpMaster follow the steps outlined in this helpfile in the order they are listed. This will ensure a smooth and successful installation.

As a general guide, the installation of HelpMaster can be broken up into the following categories :


The following should already be in-place and OK if you are upgrading an existing HelpMaster installation.

  1. Check that your system meets the Technical Specifications of the new version.
  2. Your instance of Microsoft SQL Server is supported by the new version.
  3. If using the web portal Microsoft IIS and the Microsoft .NET Framework are installed and configured.
  4. Check that you have the latest HelpMaster installation file

Pre-installation configuration steps

  1. Schedule downtime for your existing HelpMaster users and database

Basic installation Steps

  1. Log all users out of HelpMaster
  2. Manually uninstall and cleanup any versions of HelpMaster older than or equal to v20
  3. Install all relevant HelpMaster components onto the HelpMaster server
  4. Install the Desktop version of HelpMaster onto each client workstation that will require access

Post-installation configuration/update steps

It is recommended that the person or persons installing HelpMaster follow the steps outlined in this helpfile in the order they are listed. This will ensure a smooth and successful installation.

Estimated Timeframe for upgrade

Installing and upgrading to the latest version of HelpMaster is a relatively simple task, that should take no longer than an hour or so to complete the upgrade. Most of this time is taken in preparing and working through a checklist. The actual physical upgrade takes just moments to complete.

It is recommended that the upgrade to HelpMaster occurs at a time that will least affect your business practices. Please note that when the HelpMaster database is upgraded, users will not be able to use HelpMaster until their individual machines have been upgraded.

See also

Detailed Step-By-Step Upgrade Guide (PDF Download)