Quick start guide - Staff Basic

Quick start guide for staff/agents

Before you begin

It is intended that this Quick Start guide should be followed only once both the HelpMaster application and it's database has been correctly installed and the staff member (user) is able to logon successfully.

It is assumed that the HelpMaster Administrator has already set up the initial configuration of system codes, templates and general application settings.

Quick start for HelpMaster

Staff members

The following 11 steps are recommended in order to configure HelpMaster for day-to-day use.

How to use this page

Follow the steps below by clicking on the link to move to the relevant section in this help file. When you have finished, use the "Back" button at the top of the window to return here so you can move on to the next step.

Step 1 - Check your personal details

If you are new to HelpMaster and you have just logged in with a Login ID and password that has been given to you, the first thing you should do is check that your personal details have been entered correctly. Use this step to update phone, fax, email and web site details plus other information about you as a person.

Step 2 - Customize your Welcome screen

The Welcome screen is a useful tool to display quick helpdesk information. It can also automatically start a screen for you.

Step 3 - Customize your field settings

The Field Chooser allows you to specify which columns appear in list controls for each of the major entities in HelpMaster.

Step 4 - Customize your helpdesk explorer

The Explorer is your central screen in HelpMaster. It has special properties that can be customized to better suit your preferences.

Step 5 - Set your general preferences

The General settings screen allows you to set some of the basic properties that will affect the way HelpMaster behaves.

Step 6 - Manage your template subscriptions

Once templates have been created, either by the system administrator, or by yourself, you will need to “subscribe” to the ones that you use most frequently. This step will help you to become more efficient at using HelpMaster by working off a “short list” of available templates.

Step 7 - Set your default templates

When working with helpdesk jobs, you may nominate a default action template for each of the system action types.

For example, if you always wanted to send an email to a client after logging a job, setting a template as the default action for this action type will do this for you.

Step 8 - Manage your Quick Launch

The Quick Launch utility provides a shortcut way of opening applications and other documents that you specify.

Step 9 - Set miscellaneous settings

HelpMaster is highly configurable for the staff who are using the system. Other areas that you might wish to configure are listed below :

  • The auto text feature assists in quick typing - great for logging helpdesk jobs fast
  • Resizing screens and columns widths
  • Status bar configuration