Security overview

Security overview

HelpMaster features a comprehensive security and workflow model that will allow system administrators to secure all aspects of the product in a flexible and granular manner.

Security within HelpMaster refers to the following concepts:

  • Access to various screens within the product
  • Access to each of the HelpMaster modules
  • Access to jobs, and the degree of work/actions that can be performed on those jobs
  • The ability to configure system codes, and other system settings

The security features within HelpMaster allow system administrators to finely control the level of access, functionality and visibility into all areas of the HelpMaster product suite. HelpMaster implements security via the use of the following 3 security related concepts:

  1. Skillgroups
  2. Application security roles
  3. Job security roles


A Skillgroup represents a grouping of staff that have common skills, or belong to a common organizational structure. In a security context, a skillgroup plays a role in determining what jobs a staff member can see. Skillgroups are linked to Workflow roles (see below) to determine job visibility and action.

Application security roles

Application Security Roles are used to control the level of access that staff have to the various screens and HelpMaster modules. Each staff member must belong to one and only one application security role. Although security groups do contain some job related settings, the main mechanism for restricting job access and workflow is determined via a workflow role / skillgroup combination.

Job security roles

job security role

A Job Security roles is a collection of job-based permissions that are applied to a staff member for a particular skillgroup. System administrators can create as many job security roles as are required to cater for all of the different staff / skillgroup / job security scenarios that exist in the organization.

See Also

SQL Server Database permissions

System Event Log