Regular Expression Library

Regular Expression Library

A regular expression is a special type of computer code that will match, or validate text based on certain syntax rules. If you’re familiar to the way a wildcard search operates (using * to substitute characters etc), then think of a regular expression as a much, much more powerful way of searching and filtering text.

For a comprehensive overview of regular expressions and their use, you can use an internet search engine to search for “regular expressions” and visit one of the many excellent internet resources available on the subject.

HelpMaster contains a short list of useful, common regular expressions however it is possible to create an unlimited number of regular expressions to suit your exact data validation requirements by using the Administration > Regular Expression Library

You can add, remove or edit the regular expressions in this list, and use them for validation for custom fields, or for Email Manager reply separators.


Use the New, Edit, or Delete buttons as required.

Test regular expressions by pasting sample text into the “Test” text box. If the expression fails, the text box will turn red.

Use the “Group Type” drop-down box to classify the type of regular expressions. This will assist in grouping like expressions together. Click on the column headers to sort and group.

See Also

Regular Expressions


Validating Custom Fields

Email Manager Text Extraction