Active Directory Profiles

Active Directory Profiles contain all of the processing logic to synchronize your Active Directory users with the HelpMaster database

Each Active Directory profile consists of some or all the following configuration options depending upon each Profile Action selected:

Active Directory Profiles Overview

Active Directory Profiles contain all of the processing logic to synchronize your Active Directory users with the HelpMaster database

Profile Action

The Profile Action step determines whether HelpMaster users will be Created, Updated, and/or Removed based on AD users

LDAP Paths to Scan

Select the LDAP OU paths to scan here. This applies to Create and Update actions only

Delete Domains

Select Domains and/or OUs that will effect the removal of HelpMaster clients

Client Field Matching

Select the HelpMaster Client fields to AD user matching pattern

Create Client Options

Options available when creating new clients

Updating existing clients

Updating clients

Remove HelpMaster Client Options

Options determining which HelpMaster AD synchronized Clients are removed

Field Mappings

Field mappings allows you to select which fields from AD users should be synchronized to HelpMaster clients

Schedule Frequency

Select how often to run an AD profile from the service

Post Processing

Post Processing allows using custom SQL to further modify created or updated clients