
Choose a colour theme to suit you

One of the user settings within HelpMaster is the ability to theme the look and feel of the application. A theme defines the colours, the shading and the fonts that are used throughout the product. Themes are chosen from the User Preferences screen and apply only to the person currently logged on.

HelpMaster ships with a number of default themes, however the underlying architecture of this feature allows for more themes to be added at any time.


A theme file is simply an XML file that defines the colours and other settings for each of the major components of the product (screens, toolbars, tabs etc). New theme files can be created, or existing ones simply edited using any text editor (eg. Notepad). When the User Preferences screen of HelpMaster opens, it will check both the shared Themes folder, as well as a local Themes folder for all valid theme files and list them in the themes drop-down box. Once you select one, the screen will be instantly converted to the new look and feel.

Working Folders Themes

See Also

Theme Builder

User Preferences - Select a new theme

Network themes folder - See Working Folders