Template job - Using the date options

Template job - Using the date options

Every job has a “To be completed by” date field that is displayed on the “Time and Expense” tab of the job screen. The “To be completed by” field is a very useful field to be filled in because it gives the job a date that can be used in searching for jobs and can be used in many escalation and service level agreement scenarios using the Priority Manager.

The date is automatically calculated from the time that the job is logged using the template. The time can be calculated by using either absolute time, or the office hours that have been defined for the master site. Once the job has been created, this field can be over-written with a new value if appropriate. It can even be automatically set, or updated by a Priority Manager Profile.

See online discussion here http://www.helpmasterpro.com/Community/Discussion-Board/aff/4/aft/292/afv/topic/How-to-automatically-set-the-To-be-completed-by-date-for-a-job.aspx

Use the “To be completed by” field in the job finder to create escalations, saved searches, reporting filters or basic searching.