System Requirements for HelpMaster

More is better…

HelpMaster Desktop

Hardware requirements

  • Computer: 2 GHz minimum, multi-core processor
  • Memory (RAM): At least 4Gb, preferably more
  • Hard disk space: 500MB
  • Display: Video resolution works best at 1920 x 1080 or higher

Software requirements

Operating system: Windows 10/11, Windows Server 2016 or higher (32 bit and 64 bit versions are supported)

HelpMaster is compatible with Citrix environments, and Microsoft Terminal Services

Microsoft .NET Framework: 4.8 or higher

Microsoft Edge WebView2 control This component is used to render HTML, CSS and other “web” content within the Desktop edition of HelpMaster.

See for further information about this control.

Download WebView2 control runtime

Email System: When using Outlook for either sending or receiving, Microsoft Outlook 2013 or higher is supported.

Crystal Reports

The executable (.exe) installer has the option of installing the run-time version of Crystal Reports. This component is required in order to run and view reports from the HelpMaster Desktop.

HelpMaster Web Portal

The HelpMaster Web Portal has been designed to perform under the following specifications for the machine running IIS.

IIS (Internet Information Services)

If you are planning on using the HelpMaster Web Portal, you will need to install Microsoft IIS 8 (Server 2012 R2 or Windows 10/11) or above before you install and configure the HelpMaster Web Portal. For full details on how to install IIS, please refer to the Installing IIS topic.

The .NET core hosting platform is also required in order to run the web portal.

Browser Compatibility

The HelpMaster web portal is a Microsoft ASP.NET 8.0 Core Blazor product. See for browser compatibility.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer IS NOT supported

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Google Chrome

  • Safari

IIS Hardware requirements

  • Computer: 2 GHz minimum, multi-core processor
  • Memory (RAM): At least 8Gb, preferably higher depending on concurrency and server load
  • Hard disk space: 500MB

IIS Software requirements

Operating system: Windows 10/11, Windows Server 2016 or higher (32 bit and 64 bit versions are supported)

Microsoft .NET Framework: 4.8 or higher and ASP.Net Core v8.0

HelpMaster Services

(Email Manager, Priority Manager, Active Directory, and Automation Services)

Microsoft .NET Framework: 4.8 or higher and ASP.Net Core v8.0

Email Manager (Email to ticket conversion)

When using Outlook, requires Microsoft Outlook 2016 or higher to be installed on the same machine as the Email Manager service. The Email Manager can access any email system that can be accessed via a Microsoft Outlook profile.

Outlook Hardware requirements

Computer: 2 GHz minimum, multi-core processor Memory (RAM): At least 4Gb, preferably higher. Hard disk space: 500MB

Outlook Software requirements

Operating system: Windows 10/11, Windows Server 2016 or higher (32 bit and 64 bit versions are supported)

Microsoft .NET Framework: 4.8 or higher

See Also

Hardware and Software Requirements - Microsoft SQL Server

Hosting ASP.NET Core 8.0 applications on Windows with IIS (Microsoft web page)