The Email Manager service will not start

The Email Manager service will not start


The Email Manager service will not start from the Windows Services screen.

Things to check

  1. The first thing to check is whether the time (and time zone) on the machine running the Email Manager is synchronized with the SQL server hosting the HelpMaster database (if the database is hosted on a different machine). If the time difference is more than a few minutes then this may be preventing the Email Manager service from starting.
  2. Next is to check the Email Manager event log. You can also check the Windows Event log for the Email Manager. The Event Viewer is accessed via Windows Start > Windows Administrative Tools > Event Viewer. Look for any errors, warnings or other events that may indicate why the service did not start.
  3. Does the machine that the service is running on match the Technical Specifications? Does it have Outlook 2013 or higher?
  4. Ensure that the Email Manager Service account has full permissions to access, send and receive email. Check from Exchange or Microsoft 365 that it has FULL AND Send As (or Send On Behalf Of) permissions to the mailboxes being scanned.
  5. Are all of the settings within the Email connectivity tab correctly filled in?
  6. From the HelpMaster Desktop, open any Email Manager profile and from the Scan Folders step, click Add followed by Reload mail boxes. This will confirm whether the mailbox folders can be read or not.
  7. Have you specified a correct Windows account for the service to use? Does it have sufficient network permission to access the following network resources :
  • The Email system and specifically the Outlook Profile name nominated on the Email connectivity tab
  • The HelpMaster database. You may need to configure the SQL Server permissions to allow the Email Manager service account access to the database.
  • The HelpMaster working files. The Email Manager requires access to these network locations to process email with Attachments and HTML content. See HelpMaster Working Folders
  1. Go to Control Panel > Mail (Microsoft Outlook) and enable the Prompt for a profile to be used option. Start Outlook and from the Choose Profile screen click the Options» button followed by New…. Try creating a new Outlook Profile named HelpMaster and connect directly to the mailboxes being scanned (the failing mailboxes) rather than allowing Exchange or Microsoft 365 Automapping.
  2. Sometimes the Microsoft Office Click-to-Run service will lock the Outlook profile which will prevent the Email Manager service from logging on to it. Try stopping or killing the Click-to-Run service immediately prior to starting the Email Manager service. The Click-to-Run service will start itself automatically afterwards without any detrimental effects.

Still not working?

If the HelpMaster Email Manager service still will not start, please send the details of the Windows Event Log message for the Email Manager to PRD Software so that we can help.

See Also

Configuring the Email Manager Service