Knowledge Base Feedback

Knowledge Base Feedback

The knowledge base system within HelpMaster includes a flexible and powerful feedback system. This feedback system is designed to allow knowledge administrators, authors and users to gain valuable feedback about each knowledge base articles, as well as the overall value and health of the knowledge base system.

Feedback overview

Knowledge base articles can be individually rated, and each rating is tallied to produce an overall score. This is displayed on the front tab of each knowledge base article. This information is also available as fields within the Knowledge Base section of the Field Chooser.

knowledge base rating

Each article allows staff members to drill-down into the individual ratings.

knowledge base feedback

…as well as the statistics of the article

knowledge base statistics

Feedback design

In order to allow your customers to rate and give feedback on your knowledge base content, you will first need to design a knowledge base feedback form. For details on how to do this, see Feedback Design and Architecture.

Once you have created your knowledge base feedback form, your web users will be able to rate knowledge base articles by clicking on the “Add rating” button on the HelpMaster Web Portal. This will display the following screen.

After the article is rated, the score is updated immediately. System administrators can view specific feedback for an acticle.

See Also

Feedback overview

Feedback Design and Architecture