Exporting data from HelpMaster

Exporting data from HelpMaster

Small amounts of data may be exported to CSV format from any HelpMaster Desktop “list view” or search screen results. This includes Jobs (listed in Explorer), Clients, Sites, Assets, Knowledge Base articles, Templates, Skillgroups, and Security Groups.

Follow these simple steps to export any of these listed entities.

  • First add the desired fields (columns) you would like to export to the entity (e.g. Assets) you want in **Field Chooser **
  • Go to the corresponding entity's search screen, from the Entities ribbon or job Explorer screen and filter the results you would like to export
  • From the search results select the rows you would like to export using the standard Windows <Shift> and/or <Ctrl> keys in combination with the mouse left click
  • Right mouse click on any of the selected rows and choose the Export option followed by Export to clipboard or Export to file...

This will create a standard comma separated CSV format in the clipboard or to a file which can then be opened with Microsoft Excel and/or converted to XML format for importing back into HelpMater or to other applications.

Exporting data from a report

Filtered data can also be exported via the standard HelpMaster reports, using the Crystal Reports export function. This can be achieved by running the report filter and choosing the export function from the report toolbar. For more details, please go to Standard Reports

Exporting data directly from the SQL Server database

Exporting large amounts of data from HelpMaster should be performed directly from SQL Server. Please contact your database administrator for assistance with any database exporting.

Sample code to export data from a SQL Server database

Data can be exported from SQL Server via the use of the sqlcmd utility that installs with SQL Server.

The following command will export data from a view into a CSV file

-- Get the 1st 1000 jobs
sqlcmd -S "Database server name\instancename" -d "HelpMaster Database name goes here" -q "Select * From rptJob_Client_Site  Where JobNumber < 1000" -o "c:\temp\JobExport.csv" -s ,

-- Last year
Select * From rptJob_Client_Site Where DateLogged > DateAdd(year,-1,GetDate())

-- Job range
Select * From rptJob_Client_Site Where JobNumber > 1000 and JobNumber < 2000

-- Open Jobs only from Last year
Select * From rptJob_Client_Site Where DateLogged > DateAdd(year,-1,GetDate()) AND IsNull(JobStatusSystemID,'') <> 'sys_closed'

Click on Start, run “cmd” and then paste the command into the “DOS” Window (you may need to open the cmd window with Administrator permissions).

For further information about sqlcmd tool, refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms162773.aspx

See Also

Importing data (includes instructions on how to export to XML formats)