Client Active Directory Synchronization

Client Active Directory Synchronization

Once a client has been synchronized with Active Directory, the “Permissions” tab on the client screen will display details about their synchronization.

Furthermore, for HelpMaster staff members with appropriate Windows domain permisssions, they will be able to click “Change Windows password” and reset their Windows password.

Explanation of settings

Is Active Directory Enabled: When checked, this client will be synchronized with the information in Active Directory.

Un-associate from Active Directory: When a HelpMaster client is synchronized with an Active Directory user, HelpMaster stores their Windows SID (Security Identifier) in order to link and associate each record together. When this button is clicked, HelpMaster will remove all Active Directory information stored about the HelpMaster client, including the Windows SID. It will be as if the client was never synchronized at all. This will stop single-sign on for both the Desktop and Web versions of HelpMaster.

The next time the Active Directory service runs, this HelpMaster client may be matched up and re-synchronized with its corresponding Active Directory user account if the following conditions are met:

  1. The “Is Active Directory Enabled” checkbox is checked (see above)
  2. The Active Directory client matching pattern in the Active Directory Profile is satisfied

Last Active Directory Synchronize: The date when the client was synchronized with Active Directory

Windows user principal name (UPN): The UPN of the corresponding Active Directory user account

Original LDAP path: The Active Directory path where the user was found and created from. See Active Directory LDAP path

Resetting a Windows Password

Resetting a users Windows password is only possible if the following conditions are met:

  1. The client has already been synchronized with Active Directory
  2. The corresponding Active Directory user account is not disabled
  3. The person performing the reset action (HelpMaster staff member) has the necessary Windows permissions to reset a Windows password.

Viewing Active Directory field settings

Use the Field Chooser to add Active Directory synchronization information to the information lists throughout HelpMaster.

See Also

Resetting a client’s HelpMaster password

Client Manager (import this from Active Directory)