Feedback search and reporting

Feedback search and reporting

When Feedback is given by a client/staff/person, it is linked to the job/action that the feedback prompt was sent from. There are various ways to view and search for this feedback.

The individual jobs

Open individual jobs and click on the Feedback tab to view feedback ratings and comments. Remember that jobs may receive multiple feedback items depending on how HelpMaster has been configured.

The Action Log

The action log will display a small blue star icon if a feedback link was sent to the client as part of that action. Click on the Feedback tab of the job to view it. The small sequential number next to the action log entry will correspond with the number against the feedback on the feedback tab.

The Field Chooser

Use the Field chooser to include feedback columns to all job-related grids. This will give a quick visual indication of jobs that contain any type of feedback.

The Job Finder

Use the Job Finder > Feedback tab to search for jobs that have feedback.

The Reports

Use the Feedback report to run more detailed reports for feedback. See the “Job closure” category of reports for feedback reports

Job Finder

See Also

The Action Log

The Job Finder
