Explorer View - Staff

Staff have an Explorer style view of their job queues

Web Explorer View - Staff

Once logged on, Staff are able to click on Explorer in the navigation pane to get an Explorer style view of their job queues with a similar look and feel to the HelpMaster Desktop Explorer screen. The top panel has the following functions available.

  • Company Name - Company name set from Web Portal Settings
  • Job Number - Type in the job number and click the Go button to open a job directly
  • Notifications - Click the down arrow to list your notifications
  • Job History - Click the down arrow to list the last 15 jobs viewed
  • Documentation Icon Link - Click this icon to view the HelpMaster documentation site
  • Hello [FirstName] - Logged on users first name and quick link to Manage your account
  • Log out - Click this hyperlink to log out of the web portal

Job Read / Unread state and flagging jobs

Right click on the Job to get a context menu with the View job, Mark as Read / Unread, and Flag job options.

View Jobs

To view an individual job, click on the job number hyperlink, right click > View job, or double click anywhere on the job row. Viewing a job in the Unread state will set it to the Read state removing the bold font.

Job Preview

For HelpMaster v24+, there is also a preview pane below the jobs list. This will display the Job Summary, Job Details and all non-private Actions. The splitter bar may be used to adjust the size of the preview pane.

Web Explorer

Explorer Navigation

At the left of the Web Explorer are 3 panels. Clicking on each panel reveals different views as follows.

My View - the default view of Web Explorer

  • Open Jobs - Open jobs assigned to you. Expanding this will show your open jobs by Skill Group
  • Closed Jobs - Closed jobs that were assigned to you. Expanding this will show your closed jobs by Skill Group
  • Unassigned - Unassigned open jobs in your Skill Groups. Expanding this will show Unassigned open jobs by Skill Group
  • My Jobs - Displays a list of Open and Closed jobs where you are the Client
  • Approvals - This will show lists of approvals Awaiting my Approval, Awaiting Approvals from others, and Completed Approvals
  • Saved Searches - This displays a list of your Saved Searches. Clicking each one will display a list of jobs found by each saved search that you previously configured from the HelpMaster Desktop application

Other Staff - Viewing other Staff queues

Other staff member’s jobs whom you have been granted permission to view or edit by the HelpMaster Administrator will be listed here. Each staff member will have the following queues.

  • Open Jobs - Open jobs assigned to them. Expanding this will show their open jobs by Skill Group
  • Closed Jobs - Closed jobs that were assigned to them. Expanding this will show their closed jobs by Skill Group

Skill Groups - Queues grouped by Skill Groups

Each Skill Group that you have been granted permission to view or edit will be listed here. Each Skill Group has the following queues.

  • Open Jobs - All Open jobs in the selected Skill Group
  • Closed Jobs - All Closed jobs in the selected Skill Group
  • Unassigned - All Unassigned open jobs in the selected Skill Group