Administration menu
When logged into the Web Portal as a HelpMaster administrator user, an Administration menu option will appear in the menu at the bottom. Expanding this option provides the following items:
Logged on Users
If granted permissions, this will display a list of all logged on users and allows the option to force all or selected users to logoff.
The following additional information and options are available:
User logon management
Selected users will be forcibly logged out at their next refresh or navigation movement.
Disable login until : Logons will be disabled until the specified date/time.
Current circuits
Displays the open native Blazor circuits to various pages by users. A single user (designated by their client PKID) can have multiple circuits open indicating that multiple browser windows or tabs are open for that user. Users with “-1” designates non-logged in users either on the home page or Knowledge Base articles if enabled for browsing without logging in.
Current connections
Current connections indicate Blazor Hub connections which can be used for other functionality such as client to client communications and other management functions.
Clear Cache
Certain system values and other short-term variables are cached by the web portal. The cache will automatically refresh periodically, however system administrators can also force a cache refresh by clicking the Clear Cache option. This will force the web portal to re-load and refresh all cached information.
See Also
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