Variable - Set value from Control Set

Variable - Set value from Control Set

This workflow objects allows you to set a variable value based on a value stored in a control set field.

workflow set variable from control set field

Silent workflow object This workflow object runs silently, meaning it has no user interaction.


workflow set variable from database sql script

Title: The title of the workflow object. This will be displayed on the workflow designer

Description: A description for the workflow object. This will be displayed in the workflow panel when this is the current workflow item.

Control Set: Pick the Control Set from the list. This will display all Control Sets. Pick a control set that will be linked to the job, at the time this workflow step will execute. If the selected Control Set is not linked to a job when this workflow step is run, an error will occur and workflow will stop at this point.

Control: Pick a control/field from the Control Set. The value from this field will be transferred to the variable that is selected.

Add Control Set value to this Variable: Select or create a variable to store the value from the Control Set. Click the + button to create a variable if one does not already exist. Select or create a variable of the correct type to store the value of the data as appropriate. eg. Use a date variable type to store date data. Use a number variable type to store a number etc.

See Also

Control Sets

Control Sets Overview

Branching workflow based on a value in a control set


Workflow variables overview

Set a variable based on user input

Set a variable based on a script


Workflow Overview

Workflow Objects