Variable - Set value from Control Set
This workflow objects allows you to set a variable value based on a value stored in a control set field.
This workflow object runs silently, meaning it has no user interaction.
Title: The title of the workflow object. This will be displayed on the workflow designer
Description: A description for the workflow object. This will be displayed in the workflow panel when this is the current workflow item.
Control Set: Pick the Control Set from the list. This will display all Control Sets. Pick a control set that will be linked to the job, at the time this workflow step will execute. If the selected Control Set is not linked to a job when this workflow step is run, an error will occur and workflow will stop at this point.
Control: Pick a control/field from the Control Set. The value from this field will be transferred to the variable that is selected.
Add Control Set value to this Variable: Select or create a variable to store the value from the Control Set. Click the + button to create a variable if one does not already exist. Select or create a variable of the correct type to store the value of the data as appropriate. eg. Use a date variable type to store date data. Use a number variable type to store a number etc.
See Also
Control Sets
Branching workflow based on a value in a control set
Set a variable based on user input
Set a variable based on a script
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