Workflow Objects

Use combinations of the workflow objects to build business process and workflow

A business processes can be designed and created using the various workflow objects that HelpMaster features. Each workflow object has a specific use and capabilities and can be joined together to form a process. Building a process is a relatively easy task to arrange (the tricky bit is working out what the business process actually is!)

The Workflow objects

Workflow objects are grouped into different categories that each have a specific purpose and operation.

Working with jobs

Complete an Action template Update an existing job

Log new job via a job job Create a new job from a template

Branching and Decisions

workflow user decision Workflow branch based on user input

workflow variable branch Workflow branch based on variable evaluation

workflow control set branch Workflow branch based on a control set field value

workflow script branch Workflow branch based on SQL script evaluation

workflow job field decision Workflow branch based on a field within a job

workflow multiple choice Multiple-choice user decision

Approvals and Change Management

workflow process approval Approval

workflow change management request for change process Change Management

Common Functions

workflow common function Common Function

workflow common decisions Common Decision


workflow validate control set value Validate a control set

workflow add control set Control Set - Add to existing workflow


workflow script Run a script (SQL or Powershell)

workflow set variable from script Set variable from database script (SQL)

workflow script branch Workflow branch based on SQL script evaluation


workflow send email Send email

workflow messagebox Message box


workflow create client Create new client


workflow checklist Checklist

Workflow Design

Workflow Line

Line Connector

workflow group Workflow group

Workflow milestone Milestones

workflow break Workflow Break

workflow end Workflow End


Each workflow object can be accessed via the “Workflow Items” panel on the “Workflow” tab. This panel can be pinned so that it stays in place.

workflow process designer tools panel

Once the properties have been set for an object and applied, it will appear on the workflow designer. Depending on the type of workflow object, it will have 2 or more connection points. Use these connection points to connect the object to other workflow objects using the line connectors

See Also

Workflow Overview

Planning for workflow

Field Chooser - Workflow State Column