Updating personal details - Staff

Updating personal details - Staff

Updating personal details- Staff

The HelpMaster Web Portal allows Staff to update a few of their own details. This assists administrators in keeping client details up to date in the HelpMaster database. To navigate to the client details page either click on your name in the top panel, or click My Account on the navigation menu and select Account Settings.

Client Details

Changing Staff Details

Staff can change details by selecting the Profile, Email, or Password category.

Profile Details

User name - is read-only and is usually auto-generated by Helpmaster

Phone number may be updated

Time zone may be selected from the list

Change any available details and click Save


Enter a new email address into the New email field and click Change email.


Enter Current password, New password, and Confirm new password then click the Update password button to save.

Click Home on the navigation menu to return to the home page.

My Client Screen

Staff may also be able to edit their own client properties if granted permissions to do so. To quickly navigate to your own client screen click My Account on the navigation menu and select My Client Screen. This will present the full client details tabs on par with the Desktop application.

Staff My Client Screen

See Also

Desktop Client Administration

Client Management