Personal Email Accounts

Personal Email Accounts

Personal email accounts are setup and configured by individual staff members who use HelpMaster. Unlike a global account that can be shared and used by many people using HelpMaster, a personal email account is only available for the individual staff member that created it.


Personal Email Accounts are accessed via the HM menu > My Preferences > Email tab.

This screen displays both personal and global accounts. Staff members are able to use any email account listed here to send email with.

personal email account

Each user can have several email accounts which they can use to send out-going email.


Click Add Email Account to create a new email account. Use the Edit and Delete buttons to administer accordingly.

Note! The HelpMaster system administrator may prevent staff from creating personal email accounts. In this case, staff are limited to using one of the global accounts.

Set as Default

Select an email account and click “Set as Default” to set that email account as a default. A default email account is the account that will be used by a staff member if they do have a personal email account created for them.

Preview all emails in the HelpMaster mail editor before sending

Check this to display a preview of all out-going email in the HelpMaster mail editor before sending.

Preview all emails in your default email application before sending (Outlook compatible accounts only)

Check this to display a preview of all out-going email in your default mail editor before sending.

See Also

Email Configuration

Global Email Accounts