Previous issues and their resolutions

Previous issues and their resolutions

HelpMaster provides you with ready access to jobs and Knowledge base articles which may be relevant to the current job and its issues. This is provided to assist with achieving a quick resolution to the current job through previous tried and proven means.

This assistance is obtained via the Find similar jobs and Find knowledge base articles with the same issue buttons of the Action menu on the job screen.


Finding similar jobs or knowledge base articles with the same issue can be performed at anytime in the life of the job, when it is first logged, or whenever any action or query is being performed on the job. Therefore the job screen can be accessed from any of the job screen access points, the JobExplorer, the Logging a job screen or via the Job Finder.

Find similar jobs

  1. Open the job screen.
  2. Click on the Find similar jobs button. This will open the Job finder with a set of predetermined search criteria based on the job you are working from.
  3. Click on Find Now.
  4. Double click on the job you feel meets your requirements. This will open the job and all it's relevant details for you to study.

Find knowledge base articles with the same issue

  1. Open the job screen.
  2. Click on the Find knowledge base articles with the same issue button. This will open the Knowledge base articles results screen with a list of articles which have the same issue as the job you are working from.
  3. Double click on the article you feel meets your requirements. This will open the article and all it’s relevant details for you to study.

See Also

Job Finder