Job State

The state of a job indicates the current state of the job

Job state is a feature that allows better management of a job queue for both staff and clients, by quickly identifying the current state of the job. Each job state is a brief summary that describes who (or what) performed the last action/update to a job.

helpdesk job state indicator

A job can be in one of the following states:

  • New Job (New)
  • Last updated by me (Me)
  • Last updated by another staff member (Other)
  • Last updated by Automation (Automation)
  • Awaiting client response (Awaiting)
  • Client has responded (Client)

New Job (New)

Represents a newly logged job.

Last updated by me (Me)

Represents a job that was last updated by the currently logged in person

Last updated by another staff member (Other)

Represents a job that was last updated by a person other than the currently logged in person

Last updated by Automation (Automation)

A job that was last updated by one of the HelpMaster automation processes (Priority Manager, Triggered Events, Email Manager, API etc)

Awaiting client response (Awaiting)

A job that is awaiting client response. This is deliberately set by a staff member by checking the “Set as awaiting client response” checkbox on the Action screen. When this is set, this job will be highlighted in the web portal for this client to respond to.

Update job requires client response

Checking this box will change the job state to “Action Required” for the client to see and respond to.

client web portal self-service action required

Client has responded (Client)

A job that has last been updated by the client of the job. If the client of a job is a staff member, this will still be set to this status. See Client Overview for details about Clients vs Staff


Use the **Field Chooser ** > Jobs to select the Job State column to display in all job lists. Once this column is visible, it can be clicked to sort by the different states.

Use the Action Screen to mark a job as Awaiting client responses

See Also

Field Chooser

Workflow State Field

Job Finder

Flagging a job

Web Portal