Jobs and Actions

Jobs and actions are the core business objects in HelpMaster

Job overview

A job is the main entity of HelpMaster

The action log

The action log display the history of updates for a job

Linking entities to a job

Various entities such as Clients, Assets, Keywords, KB Articles etc. may be linked to a job

Linking jobs to other jobs

Linking jobs to other jobs is available either as simple or parent/child relationships

Modifying a job

Modifying Open and Closed jobs is possible

Create new job

Create a new job via the Desktop version

Create new job - drag 'n drop email

Create and update jobs via email drag and drop

Updating a job

Update a job via an Action

Actioning multiple jobs

Actioning multiple jobs at the same time

Reassigning a job

Jobs can be assigned to an individual person, or to a group of people - a skillgroup

Acknowledging A Job

Acknowledging a job

Changing the status of a job

Changing the status of a job

Closing a job

Closing a job removes it from an active job queue

Reopening a job

Reopening a job

Changing the read status of a job

Changing the read status of a job

Approvals - simple

Use Simple Approvals any time from a job to gain documented approval from managers or others

Audit history

Audit history. A change log for job updates.

Job Timeline

The Job Timeline provide a quick visual indicator of elapsed time since the job was logged

Adding Actions-to-do

Adding Actions-to-do

Job Feedback

Survey your customers and clients about their service experience

Job State

The state of a job indicates the current state of the job

Flagging a job

Set different types of flag to visually identify a job

Previous issues and their resolutions

Previous issues and their resolutions

Jobs and billing

Jobs and billing

Job Visibility

Job visibility options exist for clients and sites

Deleting a Job

Deleting a Job

Deleting an Action

Deleting an Action

Job Monitor Overview

Job Monitor keeps you up-to-date with your HelpMaster queues and reminders

Job Monitor Overview

Job Monitor Overview