Global queues

In v24.7+ Global queues are saved searches that may be created for specific skillgroups for all members use

Global queues provide a flexible way of extending the browsing capabilities of the Explorer screen by allowing you to create “virtual” job queues for all members of selected skillgroups. By default, Explorer provides built-in “searches” for both Open and Closed jobs that are assigned to you or have been closed by you. Global Queues allow the HelpMaster administrator to choose what type of jobs most users would be interested in and then provides a virtual queue to view them. There is no limit to the number of Global queues that the administrator can create.

Global queues are a great way to organize job queues into separate “virtual” queues that most users can work from.

Global Queues

Creating a new Global Queue

  1. From the Administration menu toolbar go to the Skillgroups / Security section and select the Global Queues icon
    Global Queues Administration
  2. Click the New button and the Job Finder screen will be displayed and focused on the Global queue details tab
    New Global Queue
  3. If there is an existing Saved Search that you wish to copy, select it from My searches. This will load all of the saved search’s filters into Job Finder
  4. Type the name of the new Global Queue and select the skillgroup(s) that this queue applies to
    Global Queue Skillgroups
  5. Select the Queue that it should appear under e.g. Open Jobs, Closed Jobs, or Unassigned Jobs skill group queues
    Global Queue Skillgroups
  6. Now use the rest of the tabs on the job finder and select the search criteria to find the jobs that you want to create a Global Queue for
    Global Queue
  7. Click Run Search to preview a list of all the jobs in the system that match your search criteria
  8. Close and reopen Explorer to see the newly created Global Queue
    Global Queue Open Jobs

Example Global queues

Popular Global queues may include the following:


  • Jobs logged Today
  • Jobs logged Yesterday
  • Jobs logged this week
  • Jobs closed (Today…yesterday….this week/year etc)
  • Jobs that have not been actioned for a period of time

Personnel based

  • Jobs logged for Clients XYZ
  • Jobs logged for Sites XYZ

Job based

  • Jobs with a certain priority
  • Jobs with a certain job type

See Also

Saved Searches

Job Finder


Custom Queues

Report filters (use Global queues to do this)