Application Security Role

Desktop Application and Web Portal security access control

Application security roles are used to control the level of access that staff have to the various screens and HelpMaster modules. Each staff member must belong to one and only one application security role. Although application security roles do contain some job related settings, the main mechanism for restricting job access and workflow is determined via a Job Security Role / Skillgroup combination.

The security system within HelpMaster allows the system administrator to define any number of application security roles to which staff members of HelpMaster are associated with. Each application security role includes details about whether a particular screen or function can be accessed.

Please note that the security settings do not apply to the system administrator. The administrator is able to use and modify any screen and access all system functionality.


Every staff member must belong to one Application Security Role. This can be done either via the Client screen > Staff tab, or via the Application Security Role screen.

Via the Client screen > Staff tab

  1. Open the client screen for the staff member you wish to administer
  2. Click on the Staff tab
  3. Select the appropriate Application Security Role from the drop-down box
  4. Click Apply or OK

Via the Application Security Role screen

  1. Open the Application Security Role screen by using the Administration menu > Application Security Roles toolbar button
  2. Use the search screen to find the Application Security Role you require
  3. Click on the Add button
  4. Use the Client search screen to find the staff member, and click Select
  5. Click Apply/OK on the Application Security Role screen

Settings Explanation

Name : The name of the security group. Must be unique

Staff Members tab

Use this tab to add or remove staff members from this role. Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen. Each staff member must belong to 1 (and only 1) Application Security Role.

HelpMaster modules tab

Email Manager administration: Allows access and full rights to the Email Manager and associated menus via the Desktop edition

Priority Manager administration: Allows access and full rights to the Priority Manager and associated menus via the Desktop edition

Web Portal Administration: Allows access and full rights to the Web Portal settings and associated menus via the Desktop edition

Active Directory Integration Administration: Allows access and full rights to the Active Directory administration and associated menus via the Desktop edition

Triggered Events Administration: Allows access and full rights to the Triggered Event feature and associated menus via the Desktop edition

Screen Access tab

Use this section to grant, deny or limit access to various screens and functionality within HelpMaster. Click on the screen/feature name to display a short description about the security settings and how it applies. A general guide is given below.

Application Security Role Screen Access

Entity screen access section

Assets: Refers to the Asset administration screen

Clients: Refers to the client administration screen

Knowledge base: Refers to the Knowledge base screen

Sites: Refers to the Sites screen

Change Requests: Refers to the Change Management screen

Services: Not yet implemented

Template screen access section

Action templates: Refers to the Action template screen

Email templates: Refers to the Email Templates screen

Job Templates: Refers to the Job Templates screen

Workflow Templates: Refers to the Workflow Templates screen

Change Request Templates: Refers to the Change Request templates screen

Other screen access section

Broadcast message: Refers to the Broadcast message screen

Message board: Refers to the Message board screen

Q Check: Refers to the Queue Check screen

View reports: Refers to the Reports screen

Deletion section

Purge/Delete Jobs, Actions and Changes: The ability to permanently delete these entity types via the Purge feature, or by using the Delete option on each entity.

Delete Entities: The ability to delete entities (Clients, Sites, Assets)

Delete Templates: The ability to delete templates (Job, Action, Email)

Administration screen access section

Issues: Refers to the Issues screen

Site Hierarchy: Refers to the Site Hierarchy screen

System codes: Refers to the System Codes screen

Template Manager: Refers to the Template Manager screen

Request Catalogs: Refers to the Request Catalogs screen

Billing Templates: Refers to the Billing Templates screen

Billing Manager: Refers to the Billing Manager screen

System administration screen access section

Attachments administration: Refers to the Attachments Administrationscreen

Custom fields: Refers to the Custom Fields Administration screen

Data Validation rules: Refers to the custom fields Data Validation screen

Import / Export: Refers to the Import / Export screen

Purge Jobs: Refers to the Purge Jobs wizard

System administration: Refers to the System Administration screen

Feature usage section

Action email options: Refers to the Email section of the Action screen

Change Actions Template: Refers to the ability to change an Action Template once one has already been set

Default templates: Refers to the user Default Templates screen

Template subscriptions: Refers to the Template subscriptions screen

Job Security tab

Application Security Role Job Security

Overrides Job Security Roles section

  • Allow full access to all jobs and actions: Checking this box grants administrator-like access to all jobs and actions and overrides any Job Security Roles that a staff member may belong to. By default, staff members usually only have access to jobs that are assigned to skillgroups that they are part of. Access to these jobs is governed by the Skillgroup/Job Security Role combination. This checkbox option can be used to override such configuration and grant a staff member to see and access all jobs regardless of which skillgroup (and job security role) they are assigned to.

Other Job Settings

  • Allow Staff to create new Jobs: Checking this box allows staff members assigned to this security group to log jobs.

  • Allow editing the main fields of closed Jobs and Actions (adds an edit toolbar button) Check this box to allow staff to perform a quick update of a closed job or action. When this setting is on, an additional toolbar button will appear on jobs and actions that will allow editing the job/action details textbox, while the job/action is still closed. This is a handy feature to use when updating/correcting text on jobs and actions without having to re-open them, edit them, and then re-close them (also affecting the action log dates / job close time / date last actioned etc..)

  • Allow staff to always see private actions for Jobs where they are the primary client. (legacy) This option is available since v22 of HelpMaster and was introduced to revert back to a legacy behaviour regarding private actions if that is desired. By default, any updates/actions to jobs that are marked as Private Internal Note, will only be visible to staff members that have access to the job (via Skillgroup access, or via a security override option). The end-user, or primary client (including Staff users) will not be able to see the private action details starting with HelpMaster v22.

Feature usage tab

General section

Allow Staff to update all custom SQL text boxes and Power Shell scripts. Use this feature with caution Checking this will allow staff to create and edit SQL statements and Powershell scripts throughout HelpMaster.

Job/Action section

Allow Staff to change the “Actioned by” field of completed actions: Checking this will allow staff to change the Actioned by field for a completed action. This is useful to update incorrect action details.

Allow Staff to add global image exclusions from the attachments tab of Jobs and Actions: Allow staff to exclude images. See Excluding Images

Allow Workflow to be added when there is no current workflow on a job: Allows staff to add workflow to a job

  • Allow Workflow to be changed, edited and removed: Allows staff to use, edit and work with workflow on a job

Undefined System Codes section

Settings that control the use of Undefined codes. See Undefined system codes

Change Management section

Allow Staff to create new Change Requests Allows staff to create new Change Requests

Enable Change management access

Reminders section

Viewing Reminders: Use the options in this group to control Reminder visibility

Staff / Client section

Allow Staff to change client passwords: Refers to the ability to reset client passwords

Allow Staff to merge duplicate Client/Staff records: Refers to the ability to merge clients

Allow Staff to create Staff members: Refers to the ability for staff to create other staff

Allow Staff to change Windows logon passwords: If checked, staff will be able to reset the Windows password for an Active Directory synchronized client. This requires Windows domain permission

Knowledge Base section

Allow staff to change Web enabled checkbox on knowledge base articles: Refers to the ability to be able to toggle the Is Web enabled checkbox on the knowledge base screen

Control Sets section

The checkboxes in this section controls access and functionality as labelled for each entity type

Messaging section

The option here control access and functionality as labelled

Billing section

Allow Staff to access the billing information on Actions: Refers to the ability to enter financial information on the Action screen

Allow Staff to manually override billing information for Actions: Refers to the ability to change billing information

Allow Staff to access billing formation and invoice Jobs: Refers to the ability to create an invoice from billable actions

Allow Staff to update and invoice billing information for closed Jobs and Actions: Refers to the ability to update and edit existing invoices

Allow Staff to delete invoices: Refers to the ability to delete invoices

Staff Creation tab

Allow Staff to create Staff members: Checking this will allow staff members to create other staff members. Once this is checked, select the appropriate roles that staff members with this access will be able to assign to new staff members

Properties tab

Description: A brief description of the security group

See Also

Creating new staff

Job security roles
