Entity Items

Use Entity Items to create custom forms and capture data for clients, sites and assets

Entity Items are functionally similar to ControlSets, and can be used with Clients, Sites and Assets, however unlike Control Sets, Entity Items can be added multiple times to the same entity. This makes Entity Items very useful for repeating data.

Like Control Sets, different types of Entity Items can be added to an entity.

Entity Items are used in the Desktop and Web Portal.

Example use

Use Entity Items to create mini-forms that can be added multiple times to an entity. For example:


  • Appointment Form
  • Meeting result
  • Contact Details (phone call, email, contact info)


  • Maintenance Inspection
  • Cleaning schedule

Asset Entity Item


Configure Entity Items via the Administration menu > Entity Items toolbar button in the desktop edition. Create, Update and Delete Entity Items in the same manner as Control Sets. Similarly, use the “Allowed entity types” drop-down box to select which entities can use the Entity Item.

Entity Item Order

When multiple entity items have been configured and are available to be used for a single entity type, the “Entity Item Order” tab allows the system administrator to configure the default order in which the Entity Items will appear.

Entity Item security

Use the Application Security Roles to adjust Entity Item access.

See also

Control Sets




Security and Access

System Administration

Application Security Roles