Closing a change request

Closing a change request


The final stage of a change request is to close it. This may be done when all previous steps have been completed and the change is no longer active, however closing a change request may occur at any-time, and for any reason.


To close a change, click the “Close” button on the side-status bar. This will take you to the close tab where you can enter the following information:

Close Date: Defaults to the current date/time. Can be over-written.

Closed By: Defaults to the current person. Can be over-written.

Change Result: Select from the list the appropriate Change Results. The list includes the following options:

  • Successful: Use for a successful change.
  • Failed: Use when the change failed. An additional “Unsuccessful reason” box will enable.
  • Rolled-back: Use for when the change failed, but was rolled-back. An additional “Unsuccessful reason” box will enable.
  • Cancelled: Use for when the change was cancelled for any reason. An additional “Unsuccessful reason” box will enable.

Close Details: A free-text area to enter additional closure notes.

See Also

Implementing a change request

Reviewing a change request (Implementation review)

Change Management Overview