Barcodes and QR Codes

Assets may be tagged with a barcode or QR code

A unique feature that assets in HelpMaster have, is the ability to store a barcode or QR code for asset identification and searching. This can be found on the main asset General tab along with all of the other asset details as shown in the image below.

Asset General Tab

Adding barcode or QR code information


Adding barcodes to an asset record may be as simple as selecting the barcode Identifier Type and manually entering the barcode Value. Scanning the barcode after selecting the barcode Identifier Type is also possible. Place the cursor in the Value field directly underneath the Identifier Type, the barcode may then be scanned in with a basic USB barcode scanner and the value will automatically be inserted into the selected field.

QR Codes

The beauty of QR codes is that they can store a lot more information than the basic 1D barcode of 8-99 characters. Enhanced QR codes can store over 2500 characters but HelpMaster currently only supports basic QR codes which have a maximum character length of approximately 120 characters. We plan to extend to Enhanced QR codes in the near future.

Additional Information - A QR code may provide extra information in addition to the barcode by means of the second Value field next to the QR image to the right. Simply type or paste in the additional information as text and the QR Code will be generated as long as the character count is less than 120 characters. If the character count is exceeded the QR code will not be generated until the character count is reduced to 120 characters or less.

Primary QR Code - If the Identifier Type > QR Code is selected, then scanning in the QR code is also possible. Place the cursor in the Value field directly underneath the Identifier Type, the QR code may then be scanned in with a basic USB QR code scanner and the value will automatically be inserted into the selected field.


Searching on barcodes and QR codes to find a matching asset is also available from the Asset Search screen found on the Entities menu toolbar. Place the cursor in the Barcode search field and scan the barcode or QR code using a USB barcode/QR code scanner which will populate the field. Then click the Search button.

Asset Search Screen

See Also

Searching for Assets

Creating a new Asset

Modifying an Asset

Deleting an Asset

Assets Service Requests

Setting Alerts for assets

Entity Items