Modifying existing reports

Modifying existing reports

In order to modify any of the HelpMaster reports, you will require a licenced copy of Crystal Reports Developer Edition or higher, and the necessary skills in using that product.

Please Note: PRD Software does not support or fix reports that have been modified as part of the regular maintenance contract. If you require assistance with developing, troubleshooting, or fixing a custom/modified report, this will be be charged under the professional services that are available.


  1. Make a backup of the .rpt file you wish to modify
  2. Open the .rpt file that you wish to change in Crystal Reports.
  3. Make your required changes to the report title and or any graphics you wish to add or update.
  4. Save the .rpt file in the same location with the same name.

The next time you run the report from HelpMaster, you should see your changes.

See Also

Dealing with date data stored in UTC