Global exclusions

Use filters to globally exclude email addresses and domains

In order to prevent unwanted email from being converted into a job, use the global exclusion list to block specified email addresses, or entire domains from being processed.

The settings on this tab will apply to all Email Manager profiles.

Global Exclusions

Specific email addresses or domains configured in this screen will be blacklisted by the Email Manager.  Email received from any of these blacklisted addresses or domains will NOT be processed by any Email Manager profile, and instead be moved to the specified “Blocked Emails” folder defined in each of the Email Manager profiles.


Filter at the individual profile level

Note that it is also possible to filter out undesireable email addresses from individual Email Manager Profiles using the regular “From address” filters. Filtering at this level provides finer control over email filters to a individual profile. Note also that individual Email Manager profiles will first honour any global filters, and then use their own specific filtering.

Exclude From email address

The screenshot uses both a regular filter to exclude specific email addresses, as well as a Regular Expression search for more broad matching.

eg. To blacklist/filter out gmail, hotmail and other domains, you can use the following Regular Expression:


See Also

Email Profile Filters

Regular Expression Library